How to treat prostatitis at home?

Many men do not carry out prostatitis therapy, explaining this by the lack of time to visit the clinic, the unsatisfactory conditions of state medical institutions, or simply the unwillingness to use the services of a doctor in such matters. In this article, you will learn how the treatment of prostatitis at home can quickly relieve you of this unpleasant ailment.

honey for prostatitis

Over the past decades, the incidence of inflammation of the prostate gland and the number of men suffering from this disease has increased extraordinary. The data of medical research are very disappointing: various forms of inflammation of the gland are diagnosed in almost half of forty-year-olds.

And if earlier, with complaints characteristic of prostatitis, as a rule, people approaching fifty years of age turned to doctors, but now the age threshold of the disease has significantly decreased, and more and more patients are barely thirty years old.

In addition, these are only the figures that official medical statistics have, but in reality everything is much worse. After all, very few people do not try with their last strength not to pay attention to their indisposition, but to see a doctor in time, so often the presence of prostatitis is found already in the hospital, where a man ends up due to serious complications that have arisen. This can be explained by the fact that often the early stages of the disease are asymptomatic or associated with minor discomfort, which can be tolerated.

But even if a man nevertheless decided to go to a urologist, found out his diagnosis and the necessary course of therapy, most likely, he will be carefully treated only until the acute symptoms are removed, and the condition does not normalize. The traditional exhortations of doctors that, they say, this is far from everything, treatment should be continued, even if the painful symptoms have already weakened or even disappeared altogether, that if you do not finish the treatment, the disease will return, etc. - for most patients, nothing more than an empty shaking of air. The main reason why the therapeutic course does not end is the full load at work and the lack of time even to hammer a nail at home, and not to go to the clinic.

The decision on the possibility of self-treatment of prostatitis can only be made by a doctor, after an examination, the necessary examinations, and the appointment of drug therapy. In addition, the specialist must regularly monitor the patient and monitor the course of treatment.

Imagine an ideal (well, or almost ideal) picture: at the first warning symptoms, a man went to the doctor, went through all the examinations and examinations, diligently follows all the recommendations, and is carefully treated. So far, everything is going well, he gradually feels better and better, in the end, he seems to be recovering completely.

prostatitis in men and its treatment

But the doctor says that you still need to take medication, take a course of physical methods, etc. All this takes time, which is already sorely lacking. But, according to the specialist, if the therapy is not completed, sooner or later a relapse will occur. What to do when there is absolutely no opportunity to regularly visit the clinic, but you need to be treated? With the exception of acute cases, it is possible to successfully treat prostatitis in men at home, which will be discussed.

How to get rid of prostatitis at home: effective ways

To begin with, we once again focus on the fact that you can start self-treatment at home only after the attending physician answers all questions regarding your condition: what form of the disease you have and whether this or that treatment is possible with it, how the recovery process proceeds, and at what stage it is, what exactly needs to be done to completely get rid of the disease.

And do not forget that the treatment of prostatitis at home is carried out, first of all, in order to make drug therapy as effective as possible, which is strictly forbidden to refuse too early.

blood test to diagnose prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis in men at home involves the use of herbs, tinctures, juices and other folk remedies. As well as performing gymnastics on a regular basis with a set of exercises aimed at improving the health of the prostate, a traditional prostate massage with a finger >or with the help of special devices. Now let's take a closer look at these methods.

medicinal plants

The useful substances contained in plants, macro- and microelements help to relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation, increase immunity and resistance to pathogens.

parsley for prostatitis
  • Pumpkin seedsare a rich natural source of zinc, essential for prostate health. To supply the body with the required dose of the element, thirty dried seeds must be eaten before meals. You can make this medicine not only useful, but also tasty. To do this, peel a pound of seeds, twist in a meat grinder, add two hundred grams of honey and mix well. From this mass, make small balls, put them in the refrigerator, and dissolve this candy twice a day thirty minutes before meals.
  • aspen bark- the bark must be collected in the spring, when the leaves have not yet had time to bloom, and the juices are actively moving along the tree. Pour one hundred grams of oven-dried and chopped bark with a glass of vodka and leave for two weeks in a dark place. In half a glass of water, add twenty drops of tincture and drink three times a day. This course should be followed for a couple of months.
  • Parsley- helps to relieve inflammation and restore sexual activity. Thirty minutes before meals, you should take a tablespoon of juice. And ordinary tea (mind you, not very useful for prostatitis) can be replaced with a decoction of parsley seeds, which must be ground in a coffee grinder, poured with water and boiled for about fifteen minutes.
  • Propolis treatment- rectal suppositories with propolis are very effective in the treatment of prostatitis: they help to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system.

Prostate massage

This procedure is necessarily included in the complex of therapeutic measures. Usually it is carried out by a doctor in a clinic, but you can figure out the technique of massaging the gland and do it at home, on your own or with the help of a loved one.

If you decide to do prostate massage yourself, be sure to ask your doctor if you have any contraindications to this procedure and how exactly you need to do it effectively and safely.

For the treatment of prostatitis at home, you can use an apparatus that massages the organ and allows you to achieve noticeable positive results. Due to vibration, local temperature increase and electrical effect, muscle toning occurs, blood circulation normalizes, pain and swelling decrease, inflammation decreases, and the recovery process accelerates.

A device for the treatment of prostatitis at home can be:

  • transrectal- more effective due to targeted action on the gland through the rectum.
  • non-invasive- based on the impact on the body of laser or infrared radiation in combination with a magnetic field through the skin in the scrotum. The device does not require insertion into the rectum.